The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism: China, AI and Human Rights
29 September 2020 • 9:00 11:00
There will be four events :
September 29th
Panel 1: How AI is powering China's Domestic Surveillance State - How is AI exacerbating surveillance risks and enabling digital authoritarianism?
October 1st
Panel 2: The Ethics of Doing Business with China and Chinese Companies - What dynamics are at play in China's effort to establish market dominance for Chinese companies, both domestically and globally?
October 6th
Panel 3: China as an Emerging Global AI Superpower- How should we think about China's growing influence in the realm of AI and the attendant geopolitical risks and implications?
October 9th
Panel 4: How Democracies Should Respond to China's Emergence as an AI Superpower- How should the rest of the world, and especially the world's democracies, react to China's bid to harness AI for ill as well as good?
Details and registration here.
This content has been updated on 9 October 2020 at 17 h 25 min.